Jacob just graduated from college and wants to quickly eliminate his student loans and credit cards as he plans to get married and begin ministry.
Mark and Joyce are active church members who have a mortgage, along with some other debts, and are trying to save for the future. They want to tithe, but struggle to do so regularly. With their Debt Free Life plan, they won't spend any additional money per month to get out of debt in 7.8 years instead of 30 AND will have over $1 million when they reach retirement. This allows them the financial freedom to increase their giving!
Rick and Peggy are empty nesters and while they have some savings for retirement, aren't sure it will be enough...and they only have a few more years to prepare! With Debt Free life, they now have accumulated an additional $752,872 for their retirement without spending any additional money per month!
Trinity Church is passionate about meeting needs in the Name of Jesus.
But with 26 years left on their $3.7 million debt, the church leaders feel restricted in how they can carry out the mission and vision God has given to them.
With Debt Free Life Church Solutions, they will pay off their debt in 8.7 years without having to ask their congregation to increase giving AND will increase their cash flow by $8.2 million.
Betsy and her family live in Honolulu, Hawaii where her husband, Philip, is the pastor of Living Faith - the English arm of Hawaii Chinese Baptist Church.
The Barr Family has also lived in China, Canada, North Carolina & Tennessee and always seek to make a positive income on their community.
Betsy spent a decade as a high school math teacher & administrator and brings her love of education to her agency.
Debt Free Life helps families and church drastically increase future savings by paying off all debt in 9 years of less without spending any additional money. Debt Free Life is founded on biblical financial principles and empowers the believer to put into action the teachings of Jesus from the Parable of the Talents (Matt 25:14-30) by maximizing all the resources entrusted to them by God.
The Barr's offer Debt Free Life Strategic Assessments for individuals as well as Biblical Financial Education Seminars/Webinars for churches.
One who produces with diligence and purpose and is content and grateful for what he or she has
One who gives with an obedient will, a joyful attitude and a compassionate heart
One who builds, preserves and invests with discernment
One who avoids entering into debt, is careful and strategic when incurring debt, and always repays debt
One who avoids entering into debt, is careful and strategic when incurring debt, and always repays debt